the optimum luggage

Affiliate disclosure

Amazon Affiliate Disclosure

theoptimumlugagge is a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. As a member of this service, we earn some commission from qualifying purchases.

Affiliate Disclosure Policy

This disclosure is provided for your assurance and completely reveals any connection among theoptimumlugagge product recommendations and the founder of those products or services. The FTC needs that the founder of this blog notify you that there is a connection in the theoptimumluggage and some of the products or services it reviews, recommends or promotes.

theoptimumluggage makes an affiliate connection with owners of the products, When you go through our links to buy a product on the merchant’s store, we earn a tiny commission of the purchase price as a referral fee.

We dont express opinions and views of merchants(we are affiliated with) about their products. We only choose the best products and services on theoptimumluggage that we use or have entirely researched.

The opinions expressed here are not necessarily the opinions of nor reflect the views of any merchants we are affiliated with. We have chosen to only recommend products and services on Backpackies that we use or have thoroughly researched.

Third-Party and Sponsor Ads

Third-party ad companies provide text and image ads that appear on We do not individually support the merchandise and services displayed in those ads. These ad agencies are not affiliated with theoptimumluggae.

If you have questions about any affiliations on our website, feel free to contact us. We will be delighted to explain or give further details if required.